MSI 010 : Hacked Website Solutions

Hacked Website Solutions

Has your website been hacked?  If so, and you rely on your website to generate income, then you have a very serious problem.  Not only can a hacked website result in a direct loss of profits, but it can also do damage to both the visitors who attempt to visit your site, as well as your own reputation.

I’ve been plagued by hackers for many years now and am now thankfully hacker free as of the time of this podcast.

Websites that are built upon content management system platforms such as wordpress are particularly susceptible to hackers because hackers have identified specific vulnerabilities that can give them access to any site built upon that platform.

If your website has been hacked, this episode may prove very helpful to you.  I outline the steps I have personally taken to un-hack my sites, including switching to SiteGround, the most secure and reliable web host I have found without breaking the bank.

Have you been hacked?  Want to vent about it?  Leave a comment on this episode or reach out directly if you need personal guidance, direction, or consulting to help resolve your situation.

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